
Activate Your Recommended Allocation

This is an invalid public key hash Warning

We were unable to activate a recommended allocation corresponding to the information that was entered. Please make sure that a public key hash from the fundraiser and the associated activation code obtained after completing the Foundation’s KYC/AML process here are entered correctly. If a balance for a given public key hash from the fundraiser appears on a Tezos block explorer, then the activation process has already been completed and no further action is needed.


We were unable to find a blinded key corresponding to the information that was entered. Please make sure that a public key hash from the fundraiser and the associated activation code obtained after completing the Foundation’s KYC/AML process here are entered correctly.


The recommended allocation of the public key hash that was entered has been activated. Here is the blinded key of this public key hash: be0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4ebe0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4ebe0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4e


Here is the blinded key corresponding to the public key hash and activation code that were entered: be0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4ebe0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4ebe0e509c330e775f6425cff00dcf4f4e